Congratulations to Cathy from Waterbury, Connecticut for winning the Zsweet® prize from
Livin' La Vida Low-Carb's
4 year blogiversary giveaway!
Cathy won a Zsweet® T-shirt, Box of Zsweet® Packets, 8.8 oz. Zsweet® Table Top Canister, 1.5 lb. Zsweet® Pouch &
"The Sweet Truth" Sugar-free / Gluten-free e-Cookbook by Kelly
Keough, Veria Channel Cooking Show Host.
Kelly Keough of the Sweet Truth &
Jimmy Moore of Livin' La Vida Low-Carb are big inspirations to us at Zsweet®. If you haven't read their motivational stories about changing their lives through eating healthy & living well visit their sites now & & let them help you on your own journey to health & beauty.
photo credits:www.kellykeough.com, www.livinlavidalowcarb.com