Monday, December 28, 2009

Start Sugar-free in January!

Interested in learning easy ways to go sugar-free in 2010? Southern California residents can get quick tips from sugar-free / gluten-free chef Kelly Keough in person at Whole Foods Markets all month, see dates & times below. Not able to make it out to her classes? Get Kelly's cookbooks for simple & tasty recipes.

Kelly broke the sugar addiction, you can too!

1/5, Tues: 4-7 pm
- 7871 West Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles - Demo
1/7, Thurs: 11-2 pm - 6350 W 3rd St, Los Angeles - Demo
1/12, Tues: 11-2 pm - 21347 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills - Demo
1/14, Thurs: 4-7 pm - 740 N Moorpark Rd, Thousand Oaks - Demo
1/18, Mon: 4-7 pm - 3751 E Foothill Blvd, Pasadena - Demo
1/20, Weds: 4-7 pm - 19340 Rinaldi St, Northridge - Demo
1/21, Thurs: 11-2 pm - 11666 National Blvd, Los Angeles - Demo
1/22, Fri: 4-7 pm - 331 N Glendale Ave, Glendale - Demo
1/30, Sat: 11 am - 2201 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica - CLASS
1/31, Sun: 11-2 pm - 239 N Crescent Dr, Beverly Hills - Demo

Thursday, December 24, 2009

"It’s a sugar problem – any sugar."

In 2004 Professor of Nutrition, Dr. Barry Popkin & Dr. George Bray of Baton Rouge's Pennington Biomedical Research Center, published a now well-known study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which hypothesized that there was a direct link between the rise in obesity & the consumption of High Fructose Corn Syrup. Their paper started a frenzy of consumer hysteria over HFCS leading the public to abandon products containing the ingredient & swapping it for what they perceived as the healthier, more natural alternative - sugar.

In a recent interview Dr. Popkin commented on the common misperception that sugar is a safer alternative to HFCS stating, “We showed later that fructose from sugar has the same effect,” Popkin said. “We were wrong in our speculations on high fructose corn syrup about their link to weight... it’s a sugar problem – any sugar."

The bottom line is whether you're consuming HFCS, fructose, sucrose, soda or fruit juice, it's all still converting into sugar & calories in the body & they all come with the same health risks. It is important to reduce, or better yet, avoid all of the above. The good news is ZSweet® tastes like sugar but is naturally zero calories & will not raise your blood sugar or contribute to weight gain like the others, including natural sugar, which is still sugar.

Read the full article,
"Fructose in the firing line" here.

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Healthy Sugar-free Thoughts & Actions

Looking for more ZSweet® recipes? Life Coach & Weight Counselor, Janet Ciel has some creative & healthy ideas at her site:

Try her Oatmeal Pancakes, Artichoke & Carmelized Onion Frittata, Apple Turnovers, Pumpkin Muffins & Chocolate Pudding Cake!

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Friday, December 18, 2009

ZSweet®'s a 10!

Wellness author & show host Leah Guy recently published rave reviews for ZSweet® at her website An admitted recovering sugar addict, Leah professes her renewed joy in sweets made possible by all natural, zero calorie, sugar-free ZSweet®. She tested ZSweet® in tea, over cereal & unsweetened soymilk & baked into a batch of ZSweet® "sugar" cookies.

Leah exclaims, "I feel like I’ve got a life again, one that I missed for so long – one that allows COOKIES in my diet, soft, moist, deliciously sweet cookies. If you have sugar issues or are diabetic, do not let another day go by without trying Zsweet. The existence as you know it will be forever changed, I promise."

She gave ZSweet® a 10+! Read her entire review of ZSweet® here & sign up for her newsletter to receive more detailed reviews & practical advice for staying healthy, looking beautiful & living well! You'll also be entered in for a chance to win a goodie bag of ZSweet®.

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