One of the first things people want to know is,
"What is Zsweet® anyway?".
Zsweet® is an all natural sugar substitute made of
erythritol (ee-rith-ritol) and natural flavors. I know erythritol looks like a scientific name and we're all warned to be wary of things like that, but it's not. I also know what you're thinking about "natural flavors", I'll address that concern in a moment.
Erythritol is a natural sweetener, a sugar alcohol or
polyol, that is derived from fermented fruits and vegetables. Unlike, artificial sweeteners that are synthetic, man-made chemical compounds formulated in laboratories by scientists and pharmacuetical companies, erythritol naturally exists in foods like cheese, yogurt, wine, beer, soy sauce and certain fruits and vegetables and the process we use to make erythritol for our Zsweet® is similar to the fermentation process used to make wine or beer.
Still can't picture how it's made? Plant or fruit sugar is mixed with water and then fermented with a natural culture into erythritol. It is then filtered, allowed to crystallize, and then dried. The finished product is white granules that resemble sugar in taste and texture.

You can't pluck an apple off a tree and get a mouth full of
saccharin or
sucralose, but if you've eaten grapes or melons or any of the other foods I listed, you've eaten erythritol.
Now, regarding the natural flavors in Zsweet®, they are simply a blend of exotic fruit extracts. They're non-citrus fruits not commonly associated with allergies. The reason we don't list them specifically is because they're what makes Zsweet® taste better then plain erythritol, which has a strong minty aftertaste. We've been able to eliminate erythritol's cooling effect with our natural flavors and make it taste like sugar, so that's why they're trade secret.
People ask all the time, "Are the natural flavors artificial chemicals, MSG, or arsenic?" Heavens no! I get why people ask because some other products do sneak things in under that natural flavors label, but no, there's nothing like that in Zsweet®.
The whole reason Tim Avila created Zsweet® was so that people could have a natural alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners. He calls it a "no worries" sweetener and he's committed to that.
So that's it. Plain, simple and sweet!